Sunday, April 25, 2010

Crisis Webinar: School Libraries

Lots of school librarians across America listened to the"Crisis Webinar" (live or archived), featuring Christopher Harris of School Library Journal and infomancy blog and Buffy Hamilton, the Unquiet Librarian.

Chris' says school librarians need to OWN digital technology and translate information into knowledge. His Top 4 Scary thoughts: cuts will happen; don't be an easy target; It's probably too late (this year's cuts are already decided); and increase student achievement. School librarians need to actively market themselves and their libraries, not just seek others to advocate for us.

Buffy says TLs need to 1) Make what librarians do transparent. Use new media. Create monthly reports with links. 2) Create a participatory learning environment. 4) Tap into the larger learning community via new media. 5) Embrace the librarian's role as advocate for literacy, standards.

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