Here is CAUSE Statement of Purpose:
"We’re California Advocates United to Save Education (CAUSE), and we are building a vast grassroots network to unite everyone who cares about restoring the California Dream of a better education, better opportunities and a better life for our kids.
It's time for save public education, because last place is no place for our kids
Our children have paid the price for years of chronic underfunding of education. Our schools and colleges, once the envy of the nation, have fallen into the bottom 5 of the 50 states.
Restoring the California Dream through education
By making California once again the state where every child can receive a high-quality education, all of us benefit. Every expert agrees that the key to economic recovery is good jobs, and the key to a good job is a good education.
Our 3-Point Action Plan to Save Education
• Fix California’s broken school funding process
• Expand the middle class to restore funding for education
• Return California from the Bottom 5 to the Top 10 in education funding
We won't get there overnight, but we have a solid strategy to achieve these goals.
Working together, we can change the priorities in our state
Thousands of Californians, from Little League coaches to church leaders, are joining together in our communities to pull California back from the brink and change course toward a better future."
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