At this time of year, do you get asked for gift ideas, but have everything you need and don't want more ties or jewelry? In addition to asking for a gift card to your favorite book store, why not suggest a donation to your local library's Tribute fund?
There is no postage, handling or other incovenience when a far-away relative donates to your hometown Public Library Foundation's Tribute Fund. In the case of the San Mateo Public Library, for example, the form asks for a subject area. If you are a mystery buff, business tycoon, or parent, you have a variety of subjects to select: Mystery, Business Reference, or Childrens books. See http://www.smlibraryfoundation.org/donate_tribute.html
Or, to think bigger, how about donating a book for each member of your book club, child's 4th grade class, or all the employees that work with you?
Or, to think bigger, how about donating a book for each member of your book club, child's 4th grade class, or all the employees that work with you?
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