Friday, April 15, 2011

Kid Book Reviews - An Open House Treat (FUN & FREE)

Free, fun, fabulous idea of the week:
(Thanks to Alfie Cohen, Steven Krashen, and HS Teacher Librarian Connie Williams)
"Early this week Dr. Krashen sent out a great idea from Alfie Cohen about putting book reviews on lockers, etc. I loved it and since this evening was Open House I thought I'd give it a try. I asked many English teachers if they'd have their students write a 'quick write' that started:
[name] is reading.....   and then whatever they wanted to write about."

"With only 3 days to put this out to them... they were amazing! They (classroom teachers) loved the idea and sent lots and lots of them.  I think that they'll continue it.  What a great way to reinforce to teachers just how much kids like to read when they get to read what they choose. I plastered the hall to the library and put a sign Board at the end of the hall saying:"
"My T.A.s (teaching assistants) put them on lockers, on doors, and all over. I included some QR coded book talk signs too... lots of parents looked at them, and many kids dragged their parents over to their own reviews.   It was lots of fun.  I think that what I'll do now after taking these down is to practice "random acts of book reviews" and just post some every now and then in various places around the school."
"Kids wrote all over the map from Kafka to Dr Seuss to Superman....  it was fun."

Connie Williams, TL at Petaluma HS

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