Sunday, August 8, 2010

"Think Big About Advocacy" -- YALSA Contest

ALA's Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) members who have hosted a successful advocacy program, activity, or event can enter the division’s Thinking Big about Advocacy Contest and win up to $500 for advocating for their young adult or school library program. The contest is part of Kim Patton’s 2010–2011 YALSA presidential theme, “Think Big.” Applications are due February 1, 2011.
YALSA, July 23

Eligible applicants must have the following:

  • Focus on advocacy for library services to teens
  • Effectively reach key audiences, such as administrators, elected officials or parents
  • Are creative
  • Incorporate youth participation
  • Incorporate key advocacy messages and talking points, such as those found at Add It Up
  • Demonstrate a positive and meaningful impact

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