Fifth grade Milwaukee public school teacher Bob Peterson wrote an article in his Rethinking Schools blog. "A Librarian in Every School, Books in Every Home. A Modest Proposal" describes the background and first steps of the advocacy movement one small elementary school has started. Hope it sweeps the nation.
The children from several classes made posters and the Rescue Our Librarians Club members wrote a poem that explained why having a library doesn’t work without a librarian.
The Save Our Librarians Club encourages advocates to join their Facebook page and sign a petition.A Library Without a Librarian
A library without a librarian is like
A beehive without bees
A tree without leaves
A brownie without chocolate
A forest without trees
A head without a brain
A book without words
An ocean without water
A bird without wings
A zebra without stripes
A tailor without clothes
A barber without scissors
Blood without iron
A bank without money
A fish without gills
A turtle without a shell
All these things are bad, but a
library without a librarian is worse.
Written by members of the Rescue Our Librarians Club at La Escuela Fratney.
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