Thursday, May 27, 2010

100 Book Club Award

Here's a good idea from Poway Teacher Librarian Linda Bjork, who runs two school libraries:

"I was doing statistics on Destiny [library automation system] last week, and I came upon a statistic of the most frequent patron and how many books they had checked out this past year. There it was... my top patrons. So I decided to have a little award and I called it the 100 Book Club. At one school I had 11 kids and at my other middle school I had 16 students who had checked out more than 100 books this school year. I made up an award certificate, gathered up some small prizes and food coupons and put them in their homeroom teachers' mailboxes. Then I made school announcements that they were now Members of the 100 Book Club. Lastly, I put signs at the front of the school." - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster   and more "This was a very simple little recognition. I just thought it was a neat statistic and I ran with it at this time of year. The kids all came in and thanked me. They hadn't realized that they had checked out so many books. Just thought I'd share this little recognition that not only recognizes our frequent readers - but puts the library out there during this awards season."

Hope other teacher librarians jump on this idea and make it an annual tradition. It is an excellent way to recognize students and bring positive visibility to the school library.

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