On Friday, 1/22, Carrie hosted a "GoToWebinar" presentation by John Windhausen and Robert Bocher on "Stimulus Funds: Round 2 -- Get Connected". See archived version at http://ala.org/knowyourstimulus
John Windhausen gave lots of credit to ALA for upgrades to NTIA and RUS grant programs. He said that part 2 of the Stimulus Funds will have the same 3 programs as the first part:
- CCI - Comprehensive Community Infrastructure - emphasis now includes libraries as key community "anchor" entities.
- PCC - Public Computer Centers
- Sustainable broadband
March 15 is deadline for applying for round #2.
Summer through September 30 grants will be awarded
Scoring preference:
- Applications for programs that serve the needs of healthcare, education, children and "vulnerable populations" and unserved/underserved areas.
- Public Computer Center programs are obvious areas for libraries and community colleges, yet there is a lot of competition for this money from other community organizations.
- NEW emphasis on community colleges and training (workforce training)
- NEW emphasis on "community anchor institutions"
- includes partnerships - govt, nonprofit, for-profit, community
- addresses economically distressed areas
- commitment to serve community colleges
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