The American Library Association has introduced a direct-to-the-public website called
@ Your Library. It builds off the ALA branding for libraries, but is meant for educating the general public about public libraries. Focus is totally on public, not school, academic, or special libraries. Wonder how members of AASL, ACRL, SLA, and other non-public library divisions of ALA feel about this effort? Will there be similar efforts to go direct to the public with AASL Standards for 21st Century Learners? It looks like there is a new
AASL toolkit for members to offer to parents -- if there is a teacher librarian in the district left to make it available.
From American Libraries: "
American Libraries Editor-in-Chief Leonard Kniffel writes: “Every librarian knows that today’s libraries face contradictions in many areas of public perception: While libraries are popular, they are often taken for granted. While libraries are ubiquitous, they are not often visible. While libraries are unique, they face competition. ALA launched the @ your library website, designed not as a tool for librarians but as a direct pipeline to the general public.”...
AL Inside Scoop, Sept. 16"
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