Monday, May 4, 2009

Expecting a Surge in (Library) Usage this Summer?

American Library Association Media Relations Manager Macey Morales is asking ALA members to send her stories. It appears that she is seeking stories about public libraries, but school, academic and special libraries have stories too! Here is her request:

As libraries throughout the country continue to experience an increase in usage, the American Library Association is gathering stories on how libraries are preparing to meet summer demand for your services. Since many families can't afford to go on vacation this year and will continue to turn to the library as a free resource, we would like to know how your library is preparing. Tell us about any new programs, resources, staffing impact, use of volunteers, etc. that will help you manage what will be a busy summer. Your stories may appear in media relations outreach being done by ALA to highlight the value of libraries and librarians.

Check out ALA's Public Information Office blog, Visibility @ your library®

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