Look what popped into my e-mail today -- a posting on the California Library Association listserve from Billy Tripp saying "
Eco-Libris plants a tree for every book you read." I looked at the site and at first glance it is appealing. Have you heard of the concept of "balance out your books" -- sounds similar to paying a "carbon offset" fee for flying on a plane. Looks like if you JOIN, you pay $5 for every 5 books you read and in return you get 5 stickers to put on the books you've read...but what if you've read a public library book? Will eco-libris stickers start showing up inside book sleeves?
Have you heard of this? Have you heard of the "partner" organizations: Alianza Internacional de Reforestacion, Ripple Africa, and Sustainable Harvest? It is a nicely done website, but is it for real or is it a ploy for your dollars?

1 comment:
The planting partners of Eco-Libris are highly respected organizations registered in the US and the UK. You can check out their websites for more information on the great work they do in developing countries:
The Alliance for International Reforestation (AIR) - http://www.stetson.edu/org/air/
Sustainable Harvest International (SHI)- http://www.sustainableharvest.org/
RIPPLE Africa - www.rippleafrica.org
About 20 Million trees are cut down annually for virgin paper used in the production of books sold in the U.S. alone. By partnering with these organizations, Eco-Libris can offer book lovers to do something about it: plant a tree for every book they read.
Raz Godelnik
Raz Godelnik
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