Thursday, February 1, 2007 - Daily "Research" Show

Are you a fan of British comedy? Check out the hilarious daily "research" program with James Black at , a show billed as "The place where YOU ask the questions and WE find the answers."

The colorful bookshelf backdrop behind James Black caught my attention when looking at web 2.0 award winners. Two ansaTHAT videos were showing as top favorites on, which won first place in video in the web 2.0 awards. DailyMotion is something like YouTube, which won second place. See the January 30th or February 1st programs to capture the craziness of this British bloke -- is he a librarian? Good question to ask him.


Christine Holmes said...

Hi! Thanks for leaving a comment on my L2 site.

Christine Holmes said...

No, I'm not a frog. Let me try again. Thanks for posting a cooment to my L2 blog.